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Athletic, Co-Curricular & Extracurricular Eligibility

  • During the preceding grading period, students must have passing grades in a minimum of five (5) one-credit courses (or the equivalent) and maintain a 2.0 GPA for that quarter. For example, quarter 4 course grades determine eligibility for quarter 1.  Some classes, including Physical Education and Freshman Choir, are only .25 credits.  
  • Parents and students are responsible for monitoring the necessary athletic credit requirements. Students and their parents should carefully review student schedules to ensure that a minimum of five (5) credits are scheduled each nine-week grading period. Please contact your school counselor or student life department if you have any questions. 
  • In addition, students involved in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities must meet the academic requirements as indicated under the 2.0 policy. 
  • For the purposes of athletic eligibility, an Incomplete grade is considered the same as a failing grade.

NCAA Eligibility Requirements

Students planning to participate in Division I or Division II college athletics must meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Athletic eligibility is determined by the NCAA Eligibility Center. It is important that students and parents familiarize themselves with these requirements as early as possible in their high school careers. Please refer to eligibility center for more information. 

Please note: Most flex credit and correspondence courses do not meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Please check with your counselor about specific requirements.

Students are encouraged to apply to the NCAA Eligibility Center online at the NCAA Clearinghouse during their sophomore year. 

Upper Arlington's 2.0 Policy

It is important that students meet the following academic requirements in order to participate in athletics, extracurricular or co-curricular activities in grades 7-12. 

  • A student must earn at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in order to be eligible for participation. 

  • A student’s eligibility will be determined according to his or her GPA for each quarter. Because of the comprehensive nature of exams, semester and final exams are not calculated into the quarter GPA. A student’s eligibility will be determined by examining each quarter GPA independent of prior grading periods. The individual quarter GPA will be used by itself to determine a student’s eligibility. Eligibility can be maintained, gained, or lost each grading period. 

Provisions may be made for individual students with special needs and/or extenuating circumstances. A total of two waivers may be granted to a student during his/her high school career.  One waiver may be granted during the 9th or 10th grade year and a second waiver may be granted during a student’s 11th or 12th grade year.  An eligibility board will review such situations on an individual basis and may waive certain requirements as appropriate. This provision is intended to meet unique situations of students with special or adjusted educational needs. The eligibility board will hear requests of students and/or parents in regard to special needs, extenuating circumstances such as long-term illness, and/or appeals regarding eligibility.