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Education & Training Pathway

The Teaching Profession program areas will prepare students for professional careers in educational institutions. In the majority of cases, individuals will need to obtain a baccalaureate degree and teacher certification as a part of the qualifications for being in charge of a classroom.

Careers for which this pathway prepares students include: Teaching Assistant, Educational Aide, Student Monitor.

Postsecondary majors for which this pathway prepares students include: Early and Middle Childhood Studies, Early Childhood Education, Middle Childhood Education, Special Education, Technical Education and Training, Human Development and Family Science, Social Work, Elementary Education Administration, Psychology, Counselor Education.

Teaching Professions I (includes EDUC 2210)

1.0 credit — Grades 11 & 12
Fall Semester: Foundations
Spring Semester: Development
(1 period per day for one year. Students must sign up for both semesters of Teaching Professions 1)
Prerequisites: None

Teaching Professions I is a yearlong course that will provide students with an overview of the k-12 teaching profession. Through course readings, writings, discussions, and observations, students will gain content knowledge that could help in deciding which area of education they may want to pursue. Topics of focus include curriculum planning, student engagement, classroom management, and assessment and feedback. 

Students who take this course earn one year of high school elective credit and may earn three semester hours of college credit (CCP/Columbus State application procedures apply).


Teaching Professions II (includes EDUC 2220)

1.0 credit — Grade 12
Fall Semester: Management
Spring Semester: Assessment
(1 period per day for one year. Students must sign up for both semesters of Teaching Professions II)
Prerequisites: Teaching Professions I

Teaching Professions II is a yearlong course that asks students to take the knowledge learned in Teaching Professions I and apply it to the classroom. While the topics are similar to those in Teaching Professions I (curriculum planning, student engagement, classroom management, and assessment and feedback), students’ understanding of these ideas will be enriched through more sophisticated and frequent texts and observations. Students enrolled in this course will have the opportunity to observe and work in classrooms within the district.

Students who take this course earn one year of high school elective credit and may earn three semester hours of college credit (CCP/Columbus State application procedures apply).