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International Baccalaureate

Upper Arlington High School is proud to offer multiple opportunities for college-level coursework through advanced programs of study in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and College Credit Plus. So many UAHS students choose advanced coursework that Upper Arlington Schools is a leader in the state in the percentage of students taking AP and IB courses. Taking college-level coursework while still in high school gives students stronger transcripts for college and the ability to earn college credit while still in high school. 

International Baccalaureate Courses

The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) approved Upper Arlington High School to offer the IB Diploma Program beginning in the school year of 2004–2005. The IBO is a nonprofit organization dedicated to expanding students understanding of the world. Currently, there are approximately 5,000 IB schools in over 150 countries. Students who have earned the IB Diploma attend universities throughout the world.

The IB Diploma Programme is a rigorous, two-year comprehensive curriculum for grades 11 and 12 that seeks to prepare students for postsecondary study through courses and instructional techniques that emphasize: 

  • critical thinking
  • effective self-expression in presenting and defending one’s point of view
  • application of knowledge
  • an international focus

Students complete course work in IB subjects and sit for examinations, similar to the way Advanced Placement (AP) courses are taught. To receive the IB Diploma, students must successfully take one course from each of six groups, three courses at Standard Level (one- or two-year courses) and three courses at Higher Level (two-year courses).

Upper Arlington High School students also have the opportunity to participate in the International Baccalaureate Career Related Programme, designed for those interested in pursuing a career-related education through either Fort Hayes or the Columbus Downtown School. 

International Baccalaureate Curriculum

International Baccalaureate Career-Related Programme

IB AP logo

Contact Us

Cynthia Ballheim
AP/IB Program Coordinator

Phone: 614-487-5240, ext. 2736
Fax: 614-487-5289 

Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Book an Appointment