IB Curriculum
The focus of the curriculum will be the offering of courses as prescribed by the IB Course of Studies. Full diploma students will have to take three courses at the Higher Level (HL, two-year courses) and three courses at the Standard Level (SL, generally one-year courses). Students are thus able to explore some subjects in depth and others more broadly. The science-oriented student is challenged to learn a foreign language and the natural linguist becomes familiar with laboratory procedures.
The curriculum contains six subject groups together with a core made up of three separate parts. To receive the IB Diploma, students must successfully take one course from each of six groups, three courses at Standard Level (one or two year courses) and three or four courses at Higher Level (two-year courses). These courses are chosen from the six different groups listed below. This requirement ensures a broad exposure across the liberal arts spectrum. Students who do not wish to earn the IB Diploma may also take individual IB courses for which they will earn certificates upon successful completion of all IB components.
In addition to the coursework students must complete a course in Theory of Knowledge, participate in over 150 hours of Creativity, Action, and Service activities, and write an Extended Essay of 4,000 words. Active citizenship and global perspectives are encouraged in each area of the curriculum.
You can view the 2024-2025 IB course offerings in the Program of Studies below.
Three Core Requirements
Extended Essay
The extended essay has a prescribed limit of 4,000 words. It offers the opportunity to investigate a topic of individual interest, and acquaints students with the independent research and writing skills expected at university.
Theory of Knowledge (TOK)
The interdisciplinary TOK course is designed to provide coherence by exploring the nature of knowledge across disciplines, encouraging an appreciation of other cultural perspectives.
Creativity, Action, Service (CAS)
Participation in the school’s CAS programme encourages students to be involved in artistic pursuits, sports and community service work, thus fostering students’ awareness and appreciation of life outside the academic arena.